Population of India in 1947 was - 350 million. At present, 340 million people are below poverty line as measured by India. It is "unfortunate" that India does not figure among top 100 countries in human development index.
In 2002, the national income per person in India was $480 a year. It means, an average person in India receives only $40 per month for their salary. India was ranked as 135th out of 192 nations in the World make it one of the poorest nations in the world, only slightly better than the African nations. What has happened to India? When it gained independence from Britain in 1947, India was once one of the most promising nations to achieve prosperity. After all, it had a legal system left by Britain, a democratic election system and free press. However, the economic development of the next 50 years was stagnant and even mired in crisis from time to time. Once ahead of china in its production, India now lags far behind China. Its export good was only 1/7 of China’s volume in 2003, while its national income was half of China’s. The life expectancy in India is only 60 years old, while China has achieved 68, and western nations are at 78. India occupies only 2.4% of the world's land area and supports over 15% of the world's population. Only China has a larger population. India’s population represents 1/6 of world population. Is India’s poverty the fault of democracy?
In China one pair one baby is enforced thereby, they have checked population growth.
Have a look on the data and charts given below.
Is there any body who is bothered for the prosperity of India, for the welfare of poor people of India? On the basis of present situation the answer is no?
Now it is the moral duty of sensible/ educated/ learned/ patriotic people to give a serious thought on the burning issue of this country and have to act accordingly.
Population Growth Chart of India(1901-2012)
Population Growth Rate in India and Selected Countries (1990-2000)
Population of States in India comparison to Population of Countries: